• FEBRUARY 14, 2022
    Scott’s Story: Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Scott’s Story: Basal Cell Carcinoma

    Scott Tushla; Date of Diagnosis: 05/08/2019; Age: 54; Colorado Springs, CO; Basal Cell Carcinoma; I was diagnosed after I noted an area on my nose that was concerning. I am a family doctor, so I see a fair number of patients with skin cancer. I had no symptoms. I saw the dermatologist whom I refer

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    • NOVEMBER 16, 2021
    How to enjoy outdoor activities while reducing your risk of skin cancer

    How to enjoy outdoor activities while reducing your risk of skin cancer

    November 16, 2021 If you go to the beach during the summer, you’re guaranteed to find people tanning and basking in the sun. Even though countless health campaigns have told us that there is no safe way to tan, this advice usually goes ignored. But why? There are several reasons that researchers have proposed. The

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